Basic Of Electrical And Electronics

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Basic of Electrical & Electronics ;
Voltage(V); Different between charges is called voltage.
        Voltage= q2-q1
        S.I unit=volt(v)
                  Voltmeter measure voltage.
Current(I); Rate of change of charge with respect to time is called current.
            S.I unit=ampere(A)
                 Ammeter measure current.
Resistance(R); Resists between charges is called resistance.
  S.I unit=ohm’s
Ohm’s Law; Current carrying conductor is directly proportional to potential difference.
                  I  directly proportional  V
Faraday’Law; current carrying conductor put in magnetic field produce flux.

Lenz’s Law; current carrying conductor put in magnetic field E.M.F will be produced and this E.M.F is oppose flow of current.
Different between A.C & D.C;
A.C(Alternating current);
1- A.c have both phase and neutral.
2-Flow of current from positive to negative and negative to positive.
3-A.c produce magnetic flux
D.C(Direct current);
1-D.c have only phase
2-Dc is not produce flux.

Transformer; transfer energy from one circuit to another circuit is called transformer.

Different between single phase and Three phase;
Single phase; in single phase there are three wire one for phase,one for neutral and one for ground.single phase used in house.
Three phase; in three phase there are four wires three for phase and one for neutral.
1-capacitor store the charge.
2-it is used for filteration.
3-it block D.C and pass A.C.
Types of capacitor;
a)Polarized capacitor; The capacitor which have charges is called polarized capacitor.
Polarized capacitor have 3 types;
1)Electrolytic capacitor

2)Axial capacitor;

3)U.P.M capacitor;

b)Non-polarized capacitor;The capacitor have no charge is callad non polarized capacitor.
There are 4 types of non-polarized capacitor which follows;
1)Film capacitor;

2)Polystor capacitor(poly);

3)S.M.T capacitor;

4) Ceramic capacitor;

1)it store charge at magnetic field.
2)it is also used for filteration.
Types of capacitor;
a)Toroidal capacitor;

2)Drum inductor;

Resistor;Resists of charge is called resistor.
Types of resistor;
1)normal band resistor;
a)4-band resistor

b)5-band resistor

c)6-band resistor

2)S.M.T resistor;

Diode;Flow of current in only one direction is called diode.

Diodes is always flow in only forword baised.
Zener diodes;When a diodes flow in revers baised is called zener diodes.

Transistor;Regulates voltage and current is called Transistor.
Types of Transistor;
1)MOSFET(Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor); it is voltage controller device.

Function of MOSFET;
2)B.J.T(Bipolar Junction Transistor);

it is current controller device.
Rectifier; convert A.C to D.C is called rectifier.
Bridge Rectifier;

S.M.P.S(Switch Mode Power Supply);

Relay;Relay is electromechanical switch.priciple of relay is depend upon faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
Types of relay;
1)solid state relay;

it is used in D.C
2)Glass relay;

it is used in A.C
3)Thermal relay;

Switch;Make and Break circuit is called switch.
Types of switch;
1)Toggle switch;

2)push button switch;

3)Normal switch;

Wiring;wiring are two types;
1)series wiring;

different voltage and same current is called series connection.
2)parralel wiring;

different current and same voltage is called parralel connection.
      1/R= 1/R1+ 1/R2 +1/R3
Switch wiring;

House wiring;